Streaming Source를 직접 만드는 방법에 자료가 많지 않다. 게다가 Data Source API V2로 작성된 예제는 더 없다.
그래서 Spark4에서 샘플로 제공하는 rate source의 소스 코드인 RateStreamProvider.scala를 분석 후 MicroBatchReader
와 ContinuousReader
를 개발해봤다.
Spark 2.4 기반으로 작성 및 테스트 되었다. Data Source API V2가 Spark 2.3부터 지원했으므로 2.3에서도 돌릴 수 있을 것 같은데, 패키지 경로가 좀 다른 듯 하여 일부 수정이 필요할 듯 하다. Spark 3.0에서도 돌아갈 것 같은데 변경없이 바로 돌아갈지 수정이 필요할지는 확실치 않다.
소스 코드는 에서 볼 수 있다.
- 상위 구조
- 참고:
구현- 참고 -
자료 구조 사용법 MicroBatchReader
호출 예ContinuousReader
호출 예
상위 구조
와 ContinuousReadSupport
를 상속받은 후 MicroBatchReader
와 ContinuousReader
를 구현하면 된다.
Data source에 따라 둘 중 하나만 상속받아 구현해도 무방하다.
class RandomIntStreamProvider extends DataSourceV2
with MicroBatchReadSupport with ContinuousReadSupport with DataSourceRegister with Logging {
override def createMicroBatchReader(schema: Optional[StructType],
checkpointLocation: String,
options: DataSourceOptions): MicroBatchReader = {
if (schema.isPresent) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The random-int source does not support a user-specified schema.")
new RandomIntMicroBatchReader(options, checkpointLocation)
override def createContinuousReader(schema: Optional[StructType],
checkpointLocation: String,
options: DataSourceOptions): ContinuousReader = {
new RandomIntContinuousReader(options)
override def shortName(): String = "random-int"
참고: MicroBatchReader
vs ContinuousReader
는 micro batch가 trigger 될 때 data를 읽어오기 시작한다. 따라서 데이터를 읽어오는데 지연이 약간 발생하게 된다. groupBy 질의를 수행할 수 있다ContinuousReader
의 지연을 없애는 reader이다. trigger와 상관없이 executor의 worker가 thread가 background로 계속해서 data를 읽어서 buffer에 저장한다- trigger가 발생하면 executor는 buffer에 쌓인 데이터를 소비한다
- 따라서
에서 발생할 수 있는 지연이 없다 - 하지만 groupBy 질의가 되지 않는다
를 구현하기 위해서는 아래 3개 class를 상속 후 구현해야한다
override def setOffsetRange(_start: Optional[Offset], _end: Optional[Offset]): Unit
- 이 함수를 이해하기가 힘들었다
- micro batch마다 두 번씩 호출되는데
는 직전 end offset이라서 어렵지 않지만 _end
가 어렵다_end
는 처음 호출 시에는Optional.empty
가 넘어오지만, 두 번째 호출 시에는getEndOffset()
의 return value가 전달된다
override def getEndOffset: Offset
- 이것도 중요하다
의 return value가 직전 호출의 return value와 달라아먄 micro batch가 시작한다
- 그외 함수들은 크게 어렵지 않아서 설명 생략
override def next(): Boolean
를 return하는한 micro batch read를 계속 진행한다false
를 return해야 micro batch read가 종료되고 이후 읽어온 data를 처리하게 된다
override def get(): InternalRow
가 true인 경우, 읽어온 row를 return한다- 다음
가 호출되기 전까지get()
은 항상 동일한 레코드를 return해야 한다 - 따라서 데이터를 읽어오는 행위는
에서 하는 것이 좋을 듯 하다
참고 - InternalRow
자료 구조 사용법
자료 구조를 handling하는 방법은 Spark InternalRow 자료 구조 사용법 에 설명해두었다.
primitive type인 경우 큰 어려움은 없지만, Array나 Map으로 가면 사용법이 좀 어려워진다
호출 예
package io.github.jasonheo
import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.StreamingQuery
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val spark = SparkSession.builder().master("local[4]").getOrCreate()
val df = spark
.option("numPartitions", "2") // partition 개수, Task로 할당된다. executor 개수가 넉넉한 경우 읽기 병렬성은 높일 수 있다
import scala.concurrent.duration._
val query: StreamingQuery = df
수행 결과는 다음과 같다. 처음 MicroBatchReader
를 만들 때 함수들의 호출 순서와 arguement를 알 수 없어서 로그 메시지를 최대한 많이 붙여두었다. 아래 로그 메시지만 잘 분석하면 MicroBatchReader
를 이해하는데 많은 도움이 된다.
|-- partition_id: integer (nullable = false)
|-- offset: long (nullable = false)
|-- random_int: integer (nullable = false)
20/08/17 11:17:38 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: setOffsetRange(start_='Optional.empty', end_='Optional.empty') called
20/08/17 11:17:38 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: in getNumNewMsg(), numNewsRows='1'
20/08/17 11:17:38 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: getEndOffset() called
20/08/17 11:17:38 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: getEndOffset() returns '1'
20/08/17 11:17:38 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: setOffsetRange(start_='Optional.empty', end_='Optional[1]') called
20/08/17 11:17:38 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: planInputPartitions() called
20/08/17 11:17:39 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] next() called
20/08/17 11:17:39 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] next() called
20/08/17 11:17:39 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] get() called
20/08/17 11:17:39 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] get() called
20/08/17 11:17:39 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] next() called
20/08/17 11:17:39 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] next() called
20/08/17 11:17:39 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] close() called
20/08/17 11:17:39 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] close() called
Batch: 0
| 0| 1| 2|
| 1| 1| 8|
20/08/17 11:17:40 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: deserializeOffset() returns '1'
20/08/17 11:17:40 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: setOffsetRange(start_='Optional[1]', end_='Optional.empty') called
20/08/17 11:17:40 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: in getNumNewMsg(), numNewsRows='2'
20/08/17 11:17:40 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: getEndOffset() called
20/08/17 11:17:40 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: getEndOffset() returns '3'
20/08/17 11:17:40 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: deserializeOffset() returns '1'
20/08/17 11:17:40 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: commit(end='1') called
20/08/17 11:17:40 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: deserializeOffset() returns '1'
20/08/17 11:17:40 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: setOffsetRange(start_='Optional[1]', end_='Optional[3]') called
20/08/17 11:17:40 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: planInputPartitions() called
20/08/17 11:17:40 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] next() called
20/08/17 11:17:40 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] get() called
20/08/17 11:17:40 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] next() called
20/08/17 11:17:40 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] next() called
20/08/17 11:17:40 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] get() called
20/08/17 11:17:40 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] get() called
20/08/17 11:17:40 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] next() called
20/08/17 11:17:40 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] next() called
20/08/17 11:17:40 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] get() called
20/08/17 11:17:40 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] next() called
20/08/17 11:17:40 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] close() called
20/08/17 11:17:40 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] close() called
Batch: 1
| 0| 2| 9|
| 0| 3| 1|
| 1| 2| 1|
| 1| 3| 2|
20/08/17 11:17:45 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: deserializeOffset() returns '3'
20/08/17 11:17:45 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: setOffsetRange(start_='Optional[3]', end_='Optional.empty') called
20/08/17 11:17:45 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: in getNumNewMsg(), numNewsRows='0'
20/08/17 11:17:45 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: getEndOffset() called
20/08/17 11:17:45 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: getEndOffset() returns '3'
20/08/17 11:17:50 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: deserializeOffset() returns '3'
20/08/17 11:17:50 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: setOffsetRange(start_='Optional[3]', end_='Optional.empty') called
20/08/17 11:17:50 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: in getNumNewMsg(), numNewsRows='1'
20/08/17 11:17:50 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: getEndOffset() called
20/08/17 11:17:50 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: getEndOffset() returns '4'
20/08/17 11:17:50 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: deserializeOffset() returns '3'
20/08/17 11:17:50 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: commit(end='3') called
20/08/17 11:17:50 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: deserializeOffset() returns '3'
20/08/17 11:17:50 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: setOffsetRange(start_='Optional[3]', end_='Optional[4]') called
20/08/17 11:17:50 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: planInputPartitions() called
20/08/17 11:17:50 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] next() called
20/08/17 11:17:50 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] next() called
20/08/17 11:17:50 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] get() called
20/08/17 11:17:50 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] get() called
20/08/17 11:17:50 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] next() called
20/08/17 11:17:50 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] next() called
20/08/17 11:17:50 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] close() called
20/08/17 11:17:50 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] close() called
Batch: 2
| 0| 4| 1|
| 1| 4| 9|
20/08/17 11:17:55 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: deserializeOffset() returns '4'
20/08/17 11:17:55 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: setOffsetRange(start_='Optional[4]', end_='Optional.empty') called
20/08/17 11:17:55 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: in getNumNewMsg(), numNewsRows='1'
20/08/17 11:17:55 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: getEndOffset() called
20/08/17 11:17:55 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: getEndOffset() returns '5'
20/08/17 11:17:55 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: deserializeOffset() returns '4'
20/08/17 11:17:55 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: commit(end='4') called
20/08/17 11:17:55 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: deserializeOffset() returns '4'
20/08/17 11:17:55 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: setOffsetRange(start_='Optional[4]', end_='Optional[5]') called
20/08/17 11:17:55 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchReader: planInputPartitions() called
20/08/17 11:17:55 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] next() called
20/08/17 11:17:55 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] get() called
20/08/17 11:17:55 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] next() called
20/08/17 11:17:55 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] close() called
20/08/17 11:17:55 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] next() called
20/08/17 11:17:55 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] get() called
20/08/17 11:17:55 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] next() called
20/08/17 11:17:55 INFO RandomIntMicroBatchInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] close() called
Batch: 3
| 0| 5| 8|
| 1| 5| 1|
를 이해했다면 ContinuousReader
구현도 크게 어렵지 않다. 다만 Offset 관리 방법이 MicroBatchReader
와 달라서 이 부분이 어렵게 느껴진다.
Offset 관련된 class는 PartitionOffset
, Offset
class를 상속받아 구현해야한다.
case class RandomIntContinuousPartitionOffset(partitionId: Int, offset: Long) extends PartitionOffset
case class RandomIntContinuousOffset(partitionOffsetMap: Map[Int, Long]) extends Offset {
implicit val defaultFormats: DefaultFormats = DefaultFormats
override val json = Serialization.write(partitionOffsetMap)
은 partition별 offset을 저장하는 class이고, Offset
은 모든 parittion들의 offset 정보를 모은 class이다.
그래서 RandomIntPartitiionOffset
은 (partitionId: Int, offset: Long)
처럼 특정 partitionId
의 offset
을 저장하며,
는 (partitionOffsetMap: Map[Int, Long])
처럼 partitionId별로 offset을 저장하는 Map[Int, Long]
자료 구조를 사용 중이다.
또 한 가지 주의할 것은
는 항상 true
를 return해야한다는 점이다. next()
가 false
를 return하면 stream query가 종료된다.
호출 예
코드 자체는 MicroBatchReader
와 동일하고 Trigger 부분만 Trigger.Continuous(5.seconds)
로 변경되었다.
package io.github.jasonheo
import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.StreamingQuery
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val spark = SparkSession.builder().master("local[4]").getOrCreate()
val df = spark
.option("numPartitions", "2") // partition 개수, Task로 할당된다. executor 개수가 넉넉한 경우 읽기 병렬성은 높일 수 있다
import scala.concurrent.duration._
val query: StreamingQuery = df
실행 결과는 다음과 같다. 아래 로그를 보면서 함수 호출 방식을 이해하면 ContinuousReader
의 작동 방식을 이해하는데 도움이 된다.
NFO RandomIntContinuousReader: setStartOffset(_start='Optional.empty') called
20/08/17 11:20:37 INFO RandomIntContinuousReader: planInputPartitions() called
20/08/17 11:20:38 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] getOffset() called
20/08/17 11:20:38 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] getOffset() called
20/08/17 11:20:38 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] getOffset() returns 'RandomIntContinuousPartitionOffset(1,0)'
20/08/17 11:20:38 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] getOffset() returns 'RandomIntContinuousPartitionOffset(0,0)'
20/08/17 11:20:38 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] next() called
20/08/17 11:20:38 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] next() called
20/08/17 11:20:38 INFO RandomIntContinuousReader: mergeOffsets(offsets='[Lorg.apache.spark.sql.sources.v2.reader.streaming.PartitionOffset;@30b06314') called
20/08/17 11:20:38 INFO RandomIntContinuousReader: mergeOffsets() returns {"1":0,"0":0}
Batch: 0
20/08/17 11:20:38 INFO RandomIntContinuousReader: deserializeOffset(json='{"1":0,"0":0}') called
20/08/17 11:20:38 INFO RandomIntContinuousReader: deserializeOffset() returns {"1":0,"0":0}
20/08/17 11:20:38 INFO RandomIntContinuousReader: commit(end='{"1":0,"0":0}') called
20/08/17 11:20:40 INFO RandomIntContinuousReader: mergeOffsets(offsets='[Lorg.apache.spark.sql.sources.v2.reader.streaming.PartitionOffset;@22876dc1') called
20/08/17 11:20:40 INFO RandomIntContinuousReader: mergeOffsets() returns {"0":0,"1":0}
Batch: 1
20/08/17 11:20:40 INFO RandomIntContinuousReader: deserializeOffset(json='{"0":0,"1":0}') called
20/08/17 11:20:40 INFO RandomIntContinuousReader: deserializeOffset() returns {"0":0,"1":0}
20/08/17 11:20:40 INFO RandomIntContinuousReader: commit(end='{"0":0,"1":0}') called
20/08/17 11:20:40 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] get() called
20/08/17 11:20:40 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] getOffset() called
20/08/17 11:20:40 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] getOffset() returns 'RandomIntContinuousPartitionOffset(0,1)'
20/08/17 11:20:40 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] next() called
20/08/17 11:20:41 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] get() called
20/08/17 11:20:41 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] getOffset() called
20/08/17 11:20:41 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] getOffset() returns 'RandomIntContinuousPartitionOffset(1,1)'
20/08/17 11:20:41 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] next() called
20/08/17 11:20:43 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] get() called
20/08/17 11:20:43 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] getOffset() called
20/08/17 11:20:43 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] getOffset() returns 'RandomIntContinuousPartitionOffset(0,2)'
20/08/17 11:20:43 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] next() called
20/08/17 11:20:45 INFO RandomIntContinuousReader: mergeOffsets(offsets='[Lorg.apache.spark.sql.sources.v2.reader.streaming.PartitionOffset;@12fbfe6b') called
20/08/17 11:20:45 INFO RandomIntContinuousReader: mergeOffsets() returns {"1":1,"0":2}
Batch: 2
| 1| 1| 0|
| 0| 1| 6|
| 0| 2| 5|
20/08/17 11:20:45 INFO RandomIntContinuousReader: deserializeOffset(json='{"1":1,"0":2}') called
20/08/17 11:20:45 INFO RandomIntContinuousReader: deserializeOffset() returns {"1":1,"0":2}
20/08/17 11:20:45 INFO RandomIntContinuousReader: commit(end='{"1":1,"0":2}') called
20/08/17 11:20:45 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] get() called
20/08/17 11:20:45 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] getOffset() called
20/08/17 11:20:45 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] getOffset() returns 'RandomIntContinuousPartitionOffset(1,2)'
20/08/17 11:20:45 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] next() called
20/08/17 11:20:45 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] get() called
20/08/17 11:20:45 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] getOffset() called
20/08/17 11:20:45 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] getOffset() returns 'RandomIntContinuousPartitionOffset(0,3)'
20/08/17 11:20:45 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] next() called
20/08/17 11:20:48 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] get() called
20/08/17 11:20:48 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] getOffset() called
20/08/17 11:20:48 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] getOffset() returns 'RandomIntContinuousPartitionOffset(1,3)'
20/08/17 11:20:48 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-1] next() called
20/08/17 11:20:49 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] get() called
20/08/17 11:20:49 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] getOffset() called
20/08/17 11:20:49 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] getOffset() returns 'RandomIntContinuousPartitionOffset(0,4)'
20/08/17 11:20:49 INFO RandomIntContinuousInputPartitionReader: [partition-0] next() called
20/08/17 11:20:50 INFO RandomIntContinuousReader: mergeOffsets(offsets='[Lorg.apache.spark.sql.sources.v2.reader.streaming.PartitionOffset;@62a7bb24') called
20/08/17 11:20:50 INFO RandomIntContinuousReader: mergeOffsets() returns {"1":3,"0":4}
Batch: 3
| 1| 2| 9|
| 1| 3| 1|
| 0| 3| 7|
| 0| 4| 9|
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